At EVOcomputers you will always know what you are buying!

By buying a refurbished desktop or laptop, you can get more performance for the same money, or the same performance for less money, depending on what you're looking for.

See the entire offer of refurbished laptops or refurbished desktop computers .

Refurbished products

What does "Refurbished" mean?

In the IT industry, there is no universally accepted explanation for this term. Depending on the distributor, "Refurbished" can mean: used, refurbished, remanufactured, repaired, recertified, resealed, like new, etc.

What "Refurbished" means to the team EVOcomputers ?

Here are the criteria we consider a product must meet to be "Refurbished":

  • BRAND products;
  • Products from newer generations;
  • Tested and verified products that meet quality standards both aesthetically and functionally;
  • Products with warranty as for a new product, at least 12 months;
  • Windows 8 or Windows 10 licenses, pre-installed

Refurbished computers and laptops sold by EVOcomputers are of new generations (i3, i5, i7) and have a very affordable price. Each computer is thoroughly inspected and refurbished if needed. All products on the website were photographed in the EVOcomputers photo studio.

For transparent communication, we have divided Refurbished products into three categories:

Goldie - Gold category products come from overstocks. These are from the latest generations of products; looks and works just like new.

Silver – products from the Silver range come either from products displayed on the shelf, or have been returned during the warranty period and may have fine scratches on the casing (not on the Display).

Bronze – products from the Bronze range come either from products displayed on the shelf or from products returned by companies and may show scratches or traces of use on the case (not on the Display).

Second hand products

The Second Hand products sold by EVOcomputers are computers and laptops from slightly older generations (first and second generation i3, i5), which brilliantly cope with current requirements. They come from US or EU institutions and firms that frequently change their IT equipment, not from individual users. It shows signs of wear, which, however, does not alter the functionality, and they have a very advantageous price.

What is the difference between Refurbished and Second Hand products?

From the table below you will be able to better understand the distinction between the 3 categories of Refurbished products, as well as Second Hand ones:

We invite you to view all the models of PCS and LAPTOPS Refurbished from the EVOcomputers offer.

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