In an extremely competitive technology market but with a very alert rate of renewal/innovation, it has become attractive for many companies to try their luck by offering the newest computers, the most powerful computing techniques and the most attractive mobile devices . The biggest battle is on the new products, these being considered the most coveted...

But when you ask yourself why you need a computer and draw a line, you can arrive at a more pragmatic analysis of your real needs: what computer can you really afford, what will you use it for, what functionalities must it have, how powerful it must be, what guarantees it must offer you. It should be noted that when we say computer we mean any device that allows you to surf the Internet, work, etc., be it desktop, laptop or tablet.

EVOcomputers entered the niche of second-hand and refurbished IT&C products to meet real customer needs. In other words, in order to overcome the psychological barriers and prejudices that usually accompany any second-hand product, we focused from the start on a special segment: the PERFORMANCE second-hand/refurbished computer market! These products are only a generation behind and can cope brilliantly with today's requirements. In this way, computers are a much more accessible alternative to the new computers offered on the market today.

In other words, we don't have a pink Sony Vaio… but we do have a great refurbished DELL Latitude!

Brand IT products, business class

The brands of second-hand computers and laptops are among the most well-known, reliable and performing: Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc. thus ensuring compatibility between components, optimizing energy consumption and maximizing performance.

Most of them are business class, having a lifetime, performance and durability higher than consumer class systems.

Computers imported from Germany, Sweden and Holland

The IT products on are not only efficient enough for current requirements, but are also very little used. Our computers have been used in institutions and corporations in Sweden, Germany, Holland , etc. from where we import them directly. In addition, some products were only exhibited in showrooms or were only unsealed, showing no signs of use, aesthetic or functional. We never buy products from private users (individuals) and do no exchanges.

Technically tested products

Our products are tested and verified; when we choose them, we are careful that they do not show pronounced signs of wear. For example, laptop keyboards look like new, without deleted letters, broken keys and so on.

Warranty between 12 months and 60 months

As proof of our confidence in the products we offer you, all second-hand products come with a minimum 12-month warranty .

Affordable prices

Compared to new products, the price of second-hand products is much lower and discounts of up to 70-80% can be reached! Thus, you save money without compromising on quality. It's super advantageous!

Urmeaza urmatoarele instructiuni

Alături de tbi bank, am implementat un sistem de plată în rate 100%
online, care se poate accesa direct de pe site-ul nostru, fără drumuri la bancă
și fără card de credit.

Pașii sunt simpli:

1. Selectezi ca Metoda de plată, varianta "Plate in rate prin tbi bank“ și
finalizezi/plasezi comanda;

2. Veifi redirecționat în pagina tbi
bank – te rugăm să aștepți câteva momente până se realizează transferul

3. Vei avea posibilitatea să alegi numărul de rate și valoarea lunara, dorite

4. Te identifici la distanță pe baza cărții de identitate în original

5. Semnezi electronic documentele, printr-un cod primit pe SMS. Este nevoie sa deții o
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6. După aprobare, noi îți livrăm comanda.

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